Your IBD Stories - Natalie Bamford

Natalie Bamford

What year were you diagnosed and with which form of IBD? 
I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease in March 2014 after having emergency surgery.

Have you identified anything that triggers you, and if so what? 
I have yet to find anything that triggers my illness, although when I’m flaring there are certain foods I have to stay away from.

Highlight an invisible symptom of Inflammatory Bowel Disease which you feel affects you: 
I struggle with fatigue. People think it’s just the same as being tired or that you’re just being lazy but there are days when I have no energy at all and even after a long night’s sleep (which is rare) you feel exactly the same.

Name one thing you feel like you’ve learnt or gained since having Inflammatory Bowel Disease: 
I’ve learnt that I can cope with a lot more than I thought I could and being a part of groups like #IBDSuperheroes means I’ve gained a second family.

What makes you an #IBDSuperHero? 
I would say I am proud of myself for finishing college, it doesn’t sound like much but I was admitted into hospital in my second year and had to take a lot of time out. There were days when I’d be convinced I was going to fail and I’d stare at my work not knowing how I was going to do it but with the support of my assessor I completed my 2 year course in 1 year and am now a qualified teaching assistant/nursery nurse.
