Your IBD Stories - Daniel Williamson

Daniel Williamson

What year were you diagnosed and with which form of IBD?
I was Diagnosed in May 2013, at first they said I had Crohn's but Biopsies later confirmed Ulcerative Colitis 

Have you identified anything that triggers you, and if so what?
Main trigger is stress and anxiety, also any kind of bug like a cold makes me flare up

Highlight an invisible symptom of Inflammatory Bowel Disease which you feel affects you:
The main symptoms are the extreme fatigue and the constant sore/stiff joints which seem to get worse as time goes on, The constant feel as though you are being poked with a knife in the side/sides is also something no one on the outside seems to understand and that may also be due to the false 'i'm ok' response I give people.

Name one thing you feel like you’ve learnt or gained since having Inflammatory Bowel Disease: I have learn't that there are so many truly inspirational people out there especially in our group who keep us smiling each day and always offer an ear to listen so thank you. 

What makes you an #IBDSuperHero? 
My son already thinks I am a superhero before the group started because of my time in the Army and he loves looking at my Afghanistan medal and Armed forces veterans Badge :) To me it is my little boy Leon and my daughter Eleanor that keeps me strong in times of need and motivate me to keep going and remembering to breath each morning when I wake up.   
