Your IBD Stories - Graham Watt

Graham Watt

What year were you diagnosed and with which form of IBD?
Ulcerative Colitis in 1989

Have you identified anything that triggers you, and if so what?
Main one is always stress in all its forms, ie work/personal/financial/social etc

Highlight an invisible symptom of Inflammatory Bowel Disease which you feel affects you:
Depression, fatigue, low self esteem

Name one thing you feel like you’ve learnt or gained since having Inflammatory Bowel Disease:
Who my real friends are. I treasure them!

What makes you an #IBDSuperHero?
X-Ray Vision! Sorry, I guess that I still managed to construct a successful career where I designed, built and maintained many of the core NHS IT Networks North of the border. It felt important, like I was giving something back to the service that saved my life.
